Time is the scarcest resource in most systems and organisations - time to think differently, time to engage in co-design, co-production and time for shared learning.
When time is at a premium making the best use of the time that we have to work together on shared challenges is critical. Too much of the way we work together on the future is done at the edges of our routine day-to day operational agendas.
Accelerated Solutions methodologies enable large groups of key partners and stakeholders to work together intensively over one or two days to scope challenges, identify opportunities and to develop testable prototype redesign solutions. We aim to do in one or two days what might take several months of shorter meetings at the edge of routine working days which are often overtaken by other priorities.
Our techniques are based on mobilisation, participation, co-design and co-production with a clear focus on actionable outcomes. They are highly participative with most of the time being used for structured and intensive group-work on key topics and challenges.
We co-design the process with your own 'Guiding Coalition' and tailor it to your needs and the time available. We are experts in models such as Open Space (Unconferences), World Cafe, Hackathons and Accelerated Design and Accelerated Learning Events. We also use a range of modern collaborative technologies to support planning, delivery and follow-through so we are making most effective use of your time.
“When we came into the space we knew this was not going to be ‘just another NHS event’”